The story of the classic GANT brand begins in the USA in the early 1900s, when founder Bernard Gantmacher began sewing shirt collars in Manhattan’s clothing district. Together with his wife, he would later open a factory supplying shirts to other brands, which in turn led him to establish the GANT brand in 1949 together with his sons.
GANT is often associated with the preppy style of the classic American college look – perhaps unsurprising given the location of its first factory close to prestigious Yale University. Here, the brand found the inspiration for some of its most iconic models, such as the button-down shirt and rugby shirt that have long been a part of American college life.
GANT was among the first brands to introduce the button-down shirt to a wider audience, adding details such as the “locker loop” allowing it to be hung in a locker without creasing and the rear collar button made to keep a tie in place. In addition to its innovations, the brand quickly came to be known for the discreet G logo on its shirts which served as something of a mark of quality for its customers.
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